Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Opening Day!

Welcome to The Wood Between the Worlds! I pray that this blog will honor God as we all stand poised in this wood among these many pools - pools that represent choices, choices regarding how we will do church. Oh, for crying out loud, God is Sovereign, the gates of hell will not prevail against His church and all that. BUT, we choose, and our choices matter. The world needs us to choose wisely how we will shape our expression of church. This is not a red pill, blue pill decision. Nor is it which chalice leads to the eternal youth. Nor is it some mystical bullseye that we either hit and the church prevails or we miss and the church collapses. But like I said, our choices matter.

How will we choose? What will be our bases for choosing? What makes church church? Now, I will be frank. We do not know enough about Postmodernity to make near-perfect choices. I mean, gee, the post-Christian age is merely seconds old in cosmic time. We must neither jettison all that has brought the church thus far nor seek to go back in time to what we consider the "Golden Age."

I believe there is direction. I believe there is wisdom. I believe there is balance. That is why this site has been created. Let's talk!

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